Tyrley Ward of the Loggerheads Parish Council Gets an AED at the heart of the community
Tracey is a parish councillor for the Tyrley Ward of the Loggerheads Parish Council and is responsible for applying to the trust for one of our AED’s in the village of Hales, a small rural village near Market Drayton in North Shropshire. Prior to becoming a parish councillor, Tracey was a mental health nurse for over 30 years and was the perfect person to lead this initiative. Will, when not working as a specialist dealer and restorer of 70s and early 80s “superbikes” at Classic Bikes Ltd., is a committee member of the Hales and District Club. The club now has an HAJMT AED, available to everyone in this tight-knit community.
The club is in the centre of the village, not far from St. Mary’s church and the Hales Cricket Club, whose ground is set in quite possibly the most picturesque location in England (according to their Facebook page!). In addition, Hales is very popular with day-trippers who enjoy a day out cycling, walking or riding horses where, on a clear day, there are stunning views across the Coalbrook Valley and of the Wrekin and Welsh Hills.
If you would like to help us to donate more AED’s in communities like these, please click on the link in our bio.
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